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<title>{% if page_title %}{{ page_title }} - {% endif %}{{ site_title }}</title>
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{% if favicon %}<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ favicon }}">{% endif %}
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{% if page_title %}<meta property="og:title" content="{{ page_title }}" />{% endif %}
{% if page_description %}<meta property="og:description" content="{{ page_description }}" />{% endif %}
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ site_title }}" />
{% if is_project %}
{% if project.thumb_url %}<meta property="og:image" content="{{ project.thumb_url }}" />{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if logo %}<meta property="og:image" content="{{ logo }}" />{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_project %}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ project.permalink }}" />
{% elseif is_page %}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ page.permalink }}" />
{% elseif is_tag %}
{% for tag in tags %}
{% if tag.active %}<meta property="og:url" content="{{ tag.permalink }}" />{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ site_url }}" />
{% endif %}
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<body class="{{ body_class }}">
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<div class="wrap">
<header class="site-header cf">
<div class="site-title">
<a href="{{ site_url }}">
{% if logo or logo_x2 %}
<img srcset="{% if logo %}{{ logo }} 1x,{% endif %}{% if logo_x2 %} {{ logo_x2 }} 2x{% endif %}" alt="{{ site_title }}">
{% else %}
{{ site_title }}
{% endif %}
{% if site_tagline %}
<div class="site-tagline">{{ site_tagline }}</div>
{% endif %}
{{ social_icons() }}
{% if apex_options.show_page_menu %}
<nav id="navigation" class="site-nav">
{{ list_pages({ active_class: 'current-page' }) }}
{% endif %}
</header><!-- / .site-header -->
<section class="site-content">
{% if is_project %}
<article id="ajax-content" class="project project--{{ project.id }}">
{% if apex_options.show_project_titles %}
<header class="project__header">
<h1 class="title title--project">{{ project.title }}</h1>
{% endif %}
<div class="project__content cf">
{% set show_meta = false %}
{% if apex_options.show_project_meta and (project.date_text or project.client or project.role or project.url or project.tags) %}
{% set show_meta = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if project.description %}
<div class="project__description {% if not show_meta %} project__description--no-meta {% endif %}">{{ project.description }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if show_meta %}
<footer class="project__meta">
{% if project.date_text %}
<span class="date">Date: <span>{{ project.date_text }}</span></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.client %}
<span class="client">Client: <span>{{ project.client }}</span></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.role %}
<span class="role">Role: <span>{{ project.role }}</span></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.url %}<span class="url">URL: <a href="{{ project.url_escaped }}" target="_blank">{{ project.pretty_url }}</a></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.tags %}
<div class="tags">Tags: {% for tag in project.tags %}<a href="{{ tag.permalink }}">#{{ tag.name }}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if project.assets %}
{% set lightbox_index = 0 %}
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}<div class="gallery">{% endif %}
{% for asset in project.assets %}
<div id="asset-{{ asset.id }}" class="{{ asset.type }}" {% if asset.type == 'image' %}data-index="{{ lightbox_index }}" {% set lightbox_index = lightbox_index + 1 %} {% endif %}>
{% if asset.type == "image" %}
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}
<a href="{{ asset.full_url }}" data-size="{{ asset.full_width }}x{{ asset.full_height }}" class="view" rel="project-gallery-{{ project.id }}" data-thumb-src="{{ asset.content_url }}">
{% endif %}
<img srcset="{{ asset.content_srcset }}" alt="">
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ asset.embed }}
{% endif %}
{% if asset.description %}<p class="asset-description">{{ asset.description }}</p>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}</div>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_page %}
<article id="ajax-content" class="page page--{{ page.id }} cf">
{% if apex_options.show_page_titles %}
<header class="page__header">
<h1 class="title title--page">{{ page.title }}</h1>
{% endif %}
<div class="page__content">{{ page.content }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if is_home or is_tag %}
<div id="ajax-projects-feed" class="projects-feed cf">
{% import _self as macros %}
{% if is_home or is_project or is_page %}
{% for project in projects %}
{{ macros.project(project, apex_options) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_tag %}
{% for project in tagged_projects %}
{{ macros.project(project, apex_options) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% macro project(project, apex_options) %}
{% if project.thumb_url %}
{% set thumb = project.thumb_url %}
{% else %}
{% set thumb = 'no-image' %}
{% endif %}
{% if project.assets %}
{% for asset in project.assets|slice(0,1) %}
{% if asset.type == "image" %}
{% set thumb = asset.thumb_url %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<article id="project-{{ project.id }}" class="project project--{{ project.id }} brick cf" data-img-url="{{ thumb }}">
<a href="{{ project.permalink }}" title="{{ project.title|e }}">
{% if project.thumb_url %}
<div class="thumb">
<img srcset="{{ project.thumb_srcset }}" alt="{{ project.title }}">
{% else %}
<div class="thumb no-thumb"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if apex_options.show_thumbnail_titles or apex_options.show_thumbnail_tags %}
<div class="thumbnail-title-wrap">
<div class="center">
<h2 class="title title--thumbnail">{{ project.title }}</h2>
{% if apex_options.show_thumbnail_tags and project.tags %}
<div class="tags tags--thumbnail">
{% for tag in project.tags %}
<span>#{{ tag.name }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
<!--END .projects-feed-->
{# end home/project/tag check #}
{% endif %}
<!--END .site-content-->
<footer class="site-footer cf">
<p class="footer-text">{% if footer_text %}{{ footer_text }}{% endif %} {{ dunked_branding() }}</p>
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{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}
{{ lightbox_code() }}
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<html lang="en" class="no-js">
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<title>{% if page_title %}{{ page_title }} - {% endif %}{{ site_title }}</title>
{% if page_description %}<meta name="description" content="{{ page_description }}" />{% endif %}
{% if favicon %}<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ favicon }}">{% endif %}
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<!-- BEGIN Open Graph -->
{% if page_title %}<meta property="og:title" content="{{ page_title }}" />{% endif %}
{% if page_description %}<meta property="og:description" content="{{ page_description }}" />{% endif %}
<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ site_title }}" />
{% if is_project %}
{% if project.thumb_url %}<meta property="og:image" content="{{ project.thumb_url }}" />{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if logo %}<meta property="og:image" content="{{ logo }}" />{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_project %}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ project.permalink }}" />
{% elseif is_page %}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ page.permalink }}" />
{% elseif is_tag %}
{% for tag in tags %}
{% if tag.active %}<meta property="og:url" content="{{ tag.permalink }}" />{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ site_url }}" />
{% endif %}
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<div class="wrap">
<header class="site-header cf">
<div class="site-title">
<a href="{{ site_url }}">
{% if logo or logo_x2 %}
<img srcset="{% if logo %}{{ logo }} 1x,{% endif %}{% if logo_x2 %} {{ logo_x2 }} 2x{% endif %}" alt="{{ site_title }}">
{% else %}
{{ site_title }}
{% endif %}
{% if site_tagline %}
<div class="site-tagline">{{ site_tagline }}</div>
{% endif %}
{{ social_icons() }}
{% if apex_options.show_page_menu %}
<nav id="navigation" class="site-nav">
{{ list_pages({ active_class: 'current-page' }) }}
{% endif %}
</header><!-- / .site-header -->
<section class="site-content">
{% if is_project %}
<article id="ajax-content" class="project project--{{ project.id }}">
{% if apex_options.show_project_titles %}
<header class="project__header">
<h1 class="title title--project">{{ project.title }}</h1>
{% endif %}
<div class="project__content cf">
{% set show_meta = false %}
{% if apex_options.show_project_meta and (project.date_text or project.client or project.role or project.url or project.tags) %}
{% set show_meta = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if project.description %}
<div class="project__description {% if not show_meta %} project__description--no-meta {% endif %}">{{ project.description }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if show_meta %}
<footer class="project__meta">
{% if project.date_text %}
<span class="date">Date: <span>{{ project.date_text }}</span></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.client %}
<span class="client">Client: <span>{{ project.client }}</span></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.role %}
<span class="role">Role: <span>{{ project.role }}</span></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.url %}<span class="url">URL: <a href="{{ project.url_escaped }}" target="_blank">{{ project.pretty_url }}</a></span><br/>
{% endif %}
{% if project.tags %}
<div class="tags">Tags: {% for tag in project.tags %}<a href="{{ tag.permalink }}">#{{ tag.name }}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if project.assets %}
{% set lightbox_index = 0 %}
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}<div class="gallery">{% endif %}
{% for asset in project.assets %}
<div id="asset-{{ asset.id }}" class="{{ asset.type }}" {% if asset.type == 'image' %}data-index="{{ lightbox_index }}" {% set lightbox_index = lightbox_index + 1 %} {% endif %}>
{% if asset.type == "image" %}
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}
<a href="{{ asset.full_url }}" data-size="{{ asset.full_width }}x{{ asset.full_height }}" class="view" rel="project-gallery-{{ project.id }}" data-thumb-src="{{ asset.content_url }}">
{% endif %}
<img srcset="{{ asset.content_srcset }}" alt="">
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ asset.embed }}
{% endif %}
{% if asset.description %}<p class="asset-description">{{ asset.description }}</p>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}</div>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_page %}
<article id="ajax-content" class="page page--{{ page.id }} cf">
{% if apex_options.show_page_titles %}
<header class="page__header">
<h1 class="title title--page">{{ page.title }}</h1>
{% endif %}
<div class="page__content">{{ page.content }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if is_home or is_tag %}
<div id="ajax-projects-feed" class="projects-feed cf">
{% import _self as macros %}
{% if is_home or is_project or is_page %}
{% for project in projects %}
{{ macros.project(project, apex_options) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_tag %}
{% for project in tagged_projects %}
{{ macros.project(project, apex_options) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% macro project(project, apex_options) %}
{% if project.thumb_url %}
{% set thumb = project.thumb_url %}
{% else %}
{% set thumb = 'no-image' %}
{% endif %}
{% if project.assets %}
{% for asset in project.assets|slice(0,1) %}
{% if asset.type == "image" %}
{% set thumb = asset.thumb_url %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<article id="project-{{ project.id }}" class="project project--{{ project.id }} brick cf" data-img-url="{{ thumb }}">
<a href="{{ project.permalink }}" title="{{ project.title|e }}">
{% if project.thumb_url %}
<div class="thumb">
<img srcset="{{ project.thumb_srcset }}" alt="{{ project.title }}">
{% else %}
<div class="thumb no-thumb"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if apex_options.show_thumbnail_titles or apex_options.show_thumbnail_tags %}
<div class="thumbnail-title-wrap">
<div class="center">
<h2 class="title title--thumbnail">{{ project.title }}</h2>
{% if apex_options.show_thumbnail_tags and project.tags %}
<div class="tags tags--thumbnail">
{% for tag in project.tags %}
<span>#{{ tag.name }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
<!--END .projects-feed-->
{# end home/project/tag check #}
{% endif %}
<!--END .site-content-->
<footer class="site-footer cf">
<p class="footer-text">{% if footer_text %}{{ footer_text }}{% endif %} {{ dunked_branding() }}</p>
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{% if apex_options.enable_lightbox %}
{{ lightbox_code() }}
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